One of Dorsey’s biggest challenges will be finding a way to grow Twitter’s user base and expand advertising revenue without alienating said users. According to The New York Times, Twitter had an average of 316-million monthly users last quarter, a number which has remained stagnant for some time. Though the social network is certainly a household name and a top source for breaking news, it has yet to gain the following of competitors Facebook, Instagram (which is owned by Facebook) and most recently Snapchat, who recently claimed they have 100-million daily users. Despite struggling to build and engage its user base, Twitter has cornered the live-streaming market with their Periscope app, which launched earlier this year. It’s expected the company will soon follow up with a video tool, as well as the ability to search for top tweets by subject, all of which is code-named “Project Lightning.” Reactions to Dorsey’s appointment have been mixed. Some believe he will do great things for the company while some are still unconvinced, and have been since Dorsey began as Twitter’s interim CEO. What do you think of Dorsey taking over Twitter? Let us know by tweeting @PopSci